Friday, September 5, 2008

One of Patsy's Favorite Pictures of Joe


Pam Barkentin-Blackburn said...

Share your stories here about did you first meet him, a story he told you, whatever....
it's easy and it's free to do.

Anonymous said...

Joe and patsy were btoh my godparents. Didnt see them much but they were always there. When younger, we would always be invited to casa luna, were most of my brothers and my best childhood memories were created. Always full of love, energy and joy they would open their house and make us live magical experiences near the beach.
We will never forget tht smell of coffee and the taste of housemade ginger ale that they would do for us.

I loved joe so much, he meant so much to me. A best friend for my dad a great godfather for all of us. So charming, so funny, such a good person, such a good example to follow in so many ways.

We will always remember him with great respect, admiration and with lots of love.


Anonymous said...

I've waited all these years to tell my heartbreak. I am wife number one we created logistics gallery Chicago together and brought Christi to wrap the museum of contemporary art then we brought chamberlain and tiger morse and then Joe began taking trips to New York while I kept the Chicago gallery going. He became the new kid on the block and pastry was there to grab him.
Well Ms patsy he called me two weeks before he died to say he was sorry now you can feel the pain that I felt when you grabbed him up in the 70's he was the love of my early life enjoy your life without him as I had to when you grabbed him up from me Maryann joes wife number one as he called me to his death I've waited a long time to hurt you back